The iPad at the CUC event on Wednesday evening was a little more formal than we’ve been used to in Liverpool over the past few months. Sponsored by Vision & Media and organised by Pixel-Lab, the format was drinks, presentations in the theatre, panel, then more (free – yay!) drinks / informal discussion. This worked quite well, largely due to the quality of the speakers, but I and a few others felt that the panel session could have gone on longer, as it was cut short just as many people were beginning to put their hands up. Attendance was fairly low, and from the sounds of it the reasons were twofold – it wasn’t very well publicised, and there was another event on that evening. However, this didn’t detract from the presentations or the opportunities for discussion after the main section.
Tag: technology
I’m sat on my sofa with my feet up typing on this fingerprint smudged A4 sized piece of plastic & glass that came out on Friday – finally living the vision of computing that Steve Jobs has been moving towards for years, and I first cottoned on to when I watched The Girl From Tomorrow in 1992 and thought a talking watch was the coolest thing I’d ever seen (you heard it here first – Apple’s next product launch will be the iTransducer). I’ve actually had mine since Thursday, when I spent a good deal of the day running out into the street to accost delivery men, who wouldn’t give up the goods because my name isn’t Jennifer. I thought I’d write down my early thoughts on the iPad before the iPad at the C.U.C. conference tomorrow evening, so click past the break.
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