
Site updates

Ack once again I’ve completely neglected the blog.  Rather than promise updates and (likely) not deliver, I’ve made some infrastructure changes:

  • Delicious daily digests
  • Lifestream weekly digests
  • iDevice compatibility via wpTouch
  • New theme – iZen
  • Tweaks to my feed

I will be back after my exam though – have finally got the headskillz to actually say some things people might find interesting – and might or might not post some bits I’ve had drafted for a while before then, we’ll see.


And I'm back

Hoping to blog a little more soon.  Working on a presentation for Barcamp Liverpool this weekend, so fingers crossed that goes well.  Other than that, got a lot of stuff on during the lead up to Christmas so if anything big crops up, I’ll write it down here.  Otherwise, check out the new Lifestream page which basically links to all my social networking sites.  It’s pretty cool actually, and since I update Facebook and Twitter far more than this blog, will keep you up to date with all my goings on.