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Build your own iOffice: Part 1


Today I’m going to start a series of blogs about using the iPad in and around the workplace.  I’ll be covering the following topics:

  • Office Suites
  • Tools & Apps for the aspiring iPad pro-user
  • Remote & Mobile Working

Our first point of call is the humble, yet ubiquitous office suite.  This is going to be a straight review / roundup so if that’s not your thing you might want to wait for part 2.

featured technology


The iPad boxI’m sat on my sofa with my feet up typing on this fingerprint smudged A4 sized piece of plastic & glass that came out on Friday – finally living the vision of computing that Steve Jobs has been moving towards for years, and I first cottoned on to when I watched The Girl From Tomorrow in 1992 and thought a talking watch was the coolest thing I’d ever seen (you heard it here first – Apple’s next product launch will be the iTransducer). I’ve actually had mine since Thursday, when I spent a good deal of the day running out into the street to accost delivery men, who wouldn’t give up the goods because my name isn’t Jennifer. I thought I’d write down my early thoughts on the iPad before the iPad at the C.U.C. conference tomorrow evening, so click past the break.