Emma Pearson sent you a request in MyCalendar – Birthdays.
Employing skills learnt studying @aiclass within the workplace today. Awesome!
Monnica Fitzpatrick posted in Enable North.
At the best house party ever! 80s rock! Tweeting via a massive phone!!!
Simon Martinez-Coates likes your status.
Gemma Wood accepted your friend request. Write on Gemma’s Wall
Mandy Phillips commented on your status.
Simon Martinez-Coates commented on your status.
Simon Martinez-Coates likes your status.
Kellie Hendley tagged a photo of you. To approve this for your profile, go to Profile review.
Kellie Hendley commented on Gemma Wood’s photo of you.
Toni Verburg likes your status.
Monnica Fitzpatrick posted in Enable North.
Joyce Nolan commented on your status.
Gemma Wood added a photo of you. To approve this for your profile, go to Profile review.
Toni Verburg commented on your status.
CosmoStudents.com: Bradford: Wardley House has new activity: 6 likes and 47 views.
Cosmopolitan Housing Association has new activity: 4 likes, Post and 42 views.
Cosmo Students has new activity: 906 views.
Up early for a joint away day at Chester Zoo. Have had that song going round in my head for days, "Momma’s taking us to the zoo tommorrow"..
Mark Croston also commented on Michael Nolan’s photo.
Regular Beat and Emma McLean like your status.